In 2012, in response to the environmental protection needs of customers in the electronics industry caused by the water cleaning process, a research and development team was set up to set up a project for rinsing wastewater treatment equipment to solve the problem of high-concentration organic sporadic wastewater treatment and solve the environmental protection problems of customers.
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The wastewater treatment process of fu filtration industry is specially designed for the on-site treatment of sporadic wastewater generated by the cleaning of electronic semiconductor products, and its core technology is WBCSF (WaterBasedCleanerSuperFilter) filter element, based on the world's leading special anti-pollution filter media research and development design, designed for solving the problems of water-based cleaning wastewater in the electronics industry such as difficult degradation, poor biochemical and strong pollution.
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Rich filter industry have time the earliest, largest and the most professional, most powerful, the most widely in the field of research and development team, is the industry leader in the field of water purification.
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As a high-tech enterprise in the field of water purification, rich filter industry knows the importance of open cooperation, and always adhering to the philosophy and the professional organizations, and from years of practice has accumulated plenty of experience of cooperation, to ensure reasonable distribution of cooperation effectively and earnings. Filter industry will always adhering to the open work attitude of looking forward to cooperate with the social from all walks of life force, promote enterprise development.
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Green science and technology, environmental protection
Over the years, rich filter industry is committed to research and development and the innovation work, water purification technology penetrated into all aspects of social production and living, innovation behind the large energy consumption, heavy pollution, low efficiency of technology, the use of science and technology innovation practice of environmental protection, promote health, environmental protection, green of social life.
Over the years, rich filter industry is committed to research and development and the innovation work, water purification technology penetrated into all aspects of social production and living, innovation behind the large energy consumption, heavy pollution, low efficiency of technology, the use of science and technology innovation practice of environmental protection, promote health, environmental protection, green of social life.
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Rich public-spirited filter industry
Our operating results will continue to repay society in various forms.
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Non-renewable resources
Different from traditional sewage treatment, we continuously purifying water resources, protect the natural resources, protect the environment, the construction of harmonious coexistence and development of health economy.
Different from traditional sewage treatment, we continuously purifying water resources, protect the natural resources, protect the environment, the construction of harmonious coexistence and development of health economy.
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发布: 2023-10-16
NEPCON ASIA 亚洲电子生产设备暨微电子工业展将于2023年10月11-13日在深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)盛大展出,展示面积预计超60,000平方米,汇聚1,200个企业及品牌参... [阅读全文]
发布: 2023-9-25
为丰富员工的文化生活,增强团队凝聚力,5月6日,富滤业技术有限公司组织“相约梧桐山 携手共攀登”的徒步登山团建活动。
登山的过程是漫长的,少数职工产生了倦意,逐渐萌生了... [阅读全文]
发布: 2016-10-2
碟管式反渗透(Disc Tube Reverse Osmosis)是一种专利型膜分离设备。
专利设计:膜组件具有专利的流道设计,料液通过入口进入,从导流盘与外壳之间的通道流到组件的另... [阅读全文]